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Most business owners know that printing is expensive. However, they often don’t know just how expensive it is. According to a Gartner study, businesses spend up to 3% of their annual revenue on printing. If they don’t know what they’re doing, this figure can rise to a staggering 5%. Just think of all the equipment, consumables, wasted documents, and maintenance costs, and this figure starts making a lot of sense. Fortunately, there is a way to cut printing costs. Even better, this is one of the few budget measures that don’t call for laying off employees or tampering with your service quality. This seemingly magical solution is called managed print services. Keep reading to learn how investing in these services leads to long-term savings for your business.

5 Ways Managed Print Services Save Money

Though managed print services offer numerous benefits, their positive impact on the company’s budget might be the most appealing, especially for startups and small businesses. Check out five ways these services save money.

1. No More Wasting Printing Equipment

As your business grows, purchasing new equipment to accommodate these increased demands is common. Before you know it, you’ll have a fleet of printers, all working in different capacities. Over time, this fleet will undoubtedly become a burden, both space and cost-wise.

But don’t worry; managed print services can come to your rescue. With these services, you can consolidate your printer fleet and only use highly efficient devices that won’t waste money or your employees’ precious time.

Investing in these services ensures your business always has access to the latest printing devices that are often ENERGY STAR-certified. The result? Impressive long-term savings on energy bills and unparalleled efficiency, both factors that reflect greatly on your bottom line.

2. No More Wasting Printing Consumables

With the high cost of printing devices and their maintenance, business owners often forget to account for another factor – the cost of printing consumables. The cost of these supplies, such as paper and printer ink, can rack up surprisingly quickly, especially if used carelessly or for outdated machines.

With managed print services, your office will transform into a fully optimized print environment. But what does this mean? It means you’ll be using state-of-the-art devices that don’t eat up printer ink. Also, the printing supplies order will be streamlined and centralized, avoiding unnecessary stockpiling. The printer usage in your office will also be monitored. This means no costly printing configurations, abandoned print jobs, and personal usage.

Best of all? Thanks to managed print services, you’ll never run out of printing supplies at a mid-critical time for your company. After all, few things can wreak havoc on your budget as much as unnecessary downtime.

3. No More Unnecessary Downtime

Sure, running out of printing consumables can directly affect your employees’ productivity and cause unnecessary downtime. But this problem can be resolved relatively quickly. Just have someone run out and buy toner, paper, or whatever you need. This emergency stocking will cost you more, but at least you’ll solve the problem almost immediately.

But what about your devices breaking down? This can’t be resolved by sending an employee to buy some replacement parts. But it can be resolved by ensuring your printers always run at peak efficiency.

How can you do that? With managed printing services, of course. Regular printer maintenance is an indispensable part of these services, ensuring downtime doesn’t mess with your bottom line.

4. No More Inefficiency

At their very core, managed print services are all about streamlining workflow. This comes with numerous organizational benefits that allow your employees to work at peak productivity. How?

Just imagine this – an employee goes to the printing station with an important stack of contracts only to be met with a paper jam. Or, numerous people huddled around the printer trying to print their crucial documents. Or, a software issue no one in the office can seem to fix. Whatever the case, your employees will get frustrated quickly. And these printed-related frustrations do nothing but distract them from their core tasks that make a profit for your business.

But what if your devices could always function properly and be used remotely from any corner of the office building? All of these frustrations would magically disappear. Invest in managed print services, and that’s exactly what’ll happen.

5. No More Compromising Data Integrity

No one can deny that physical losses can cost your business a lot of money. But these figures pale in comparison to data losses. You see, data breaches have become a common occurrence in the business world. If malicious actors get their hands on some sensitive data, chances are your business will take months to recover (if ever).

Believe it or not, printers are a common target of cybercriminals. Why? They are often inadequately secured and serve as an excellent entry point to the company’s entire network.

With managed print services, you’ll vastly improve your office printer security. Professionals behind these services excel at anticipating risks and defending your devices against potential threats, thus safeguarding your entire business.

Other Benefits of Managed Print Services

There’s no doubt about it – the cost-cutting benefits of managed print services are nothing short of impressive. But what about the other benefits we’ve mentioned? If we had to use only one word to describe them, it would be “extensive.”

Establishing a comprehensive print strategy, saving valuable time, and relieving IT staff are just some of the advantages your business will enjoy. Best of all? All businesses can benefit from these services, whether a large, established law firm or a small retail business.

Printing Perfected with Managed Print Services

By now, it’s probably clear that managed print services can transform your company’s daily operations and have an incredible effect on its bottom line. All that’s left is to find a suitable managed print services provider that will help you every step of the way.

If your business is located in Houston, you shouldn’t think twice about partnering with On Demand. With decades of experience in the industry and extensive resources, we know how to optimize your printing infrastructure, thus reducing costs and boosting efficiency.

Contact us today and discover the wonders of managed print services.